Recruiting Exceptional Talents
Heathrow International is a leading executive search and selection company. We provide our clients with the most innovative executive search and selection methodologies, industry expertise and networking capabilities. Our services provide competitive advantage to clients through executive recruitment and high value human recourse consultancy.
Heathrow International, (Approved By Ministry of Kuwait) has been pioneer in Providing Human Capital to emerging industries in both Blue and White collar personnel. We cater to the individual needs of the Clients engaged in various Industries such as Heavy Engineering
Construction, Oil & Gas Industry, Hotel & Restaurant, Account & Finance, Airline, Hospital, Telecommunication, Marine Engineering and others.
Mohammad Fahhad Hadi Alajmi
Being Kuwait's leading government recognized manpower consultant.
HEATHROW INTERNATIONAL has become the ideal choice of leading companies who wish to recruit professional human resources from Kuwait. The recruitment operations at Heathrow International is a highly defined and exclusive process, instrumented by priority. precision. pragmatism and expediency.
Nitin Singh Kanda
(Managing Director)
Heathrow International has been in the recruiting industry for more than one decades, giving the company a competitive edge in the marketplace. Our extensive experience in managing the recruiting process for large corporations is driven by a desire to provide professionalism and reliability to our clients. Our vast databases on the best sources of manpower for each industry that we have built over the years of service...
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